In late May the Commonwealth War Graves Commission had a ‘pop-up’ stand on the Cathedral Green in Chichester. The purpose was to make the general public aware of all of the CWGC’s activities, from records, conservation, volunteering through to horticulture and the dedicated preservation of the headstones and memorials of our fallen. Roger Lintott of Chichester Branch thought that this would be a good opportunity to make personal contact with the CWGC in order that the project for the proposed correction to errors on the Regiment’s Memorial Boards in St. George’s Chapel can be checked and verified against the records kept by the CWGC. Roger is seen here talking with South East Co-ordinator Ms. Jennifer Allen.
Dieppe Raid Commemorations
A little late in being made aware of this, but for any Association Member wishing to participate we would suggest that you email the event organiser as shown on the invitation image.