Eastbourne Branch Luncheon 2021

by | Nov 1, 2021 | News

Fifteen members of Eastbourne Branch together with partners and guests attended the Branch Luncheon at the Langham Hotel in Eastbourne on the 16th October 2021. They enjoyed a lovely three course lunch in a splendid hotel overlooking the seafront on a gorgeous autumn day. After coffee being served, they took part in a raffle, which raised over £90 for Branch funds. The next event is the annual dinner on Saturday 15th January 2022. Details and contacts are on the events page for any other Officers, Branches or non-affiliated members who wish to attend. You are all welcome.

Midhurst Remembers

Midhurst Remembers

Standards gather in the market square at Midhurst, adjacent to the War Memorial, in preparation for the towns 2024 commemoration.

Arundel by The Arun View

Arundel by The Arun View

Arundel & Littlehampton Branch reinvigorated their luncheon habit at the end of the summer with a successful event in The Arun View, Littlehampton. Having lapsed for many years upon the demise of their then organiser, current Chairman Mike Stenning and Treasurer...