St. George’s Day Service

by | Jan 28, 2022 | News



Saturday 23 April 2022 will see the 100th Anniversary of the St George’s Day Service held within Chichester Cathedral which both the Regiment and latterly the Regimental Association have been commemorating since 1922. It has meant that with the dedication of the St George’s Chapel, on the 11 November 1921, the Regiment finally had a point of commemoration for not only Regimental veterans, but a quiet place of contemplation where relatives of the fallen could seek out the names of their loved ones on the memorial panels affixed to the walls of the Chapel. As this is a very meaningful milestone, The Regimental Association wishes to commemorate the occasion with as much dignity, solemnity and ceremony as possible.


As planning progresses, it is envisaged that the Mayor’s from all the Freedom Towns of Sussex will be led to the Cathedral by the band of The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment, followed by the Association Branch Standards and veterans from The Royal Sussex Regiment, The Queen’s Regiment, PWRR, and a contingent from The Sussex Army Cadet Force. The  intention is that the military elements would form up in  Priory Park and march from there to the Assembly Rooms, via Guildhall Street and North Street, where the Mayors of the Freedom Towns would join the parade. Those Officers not on parade and remaining dignitaries would be seated in the Cathedral when the parade arrives, together with veterans who do not wish to or cannot march, and all invited relatives of the fallen. An editorial from the local press in April 1922 has provided enough information on the original service and the intention is to follow this as far as possible for the 2022 Anniversary. It is thought appropriate that a Eulogy to the late President of the Association, Col. Roderick Arnold should be woven into the service. There will be a reception afterwards in a marquee erected on the Cathedral Green adjacent to the West Door with a maximum capacity for 350 persons.


In the absence of an Association Secretary, a team from the Chichester Branch have stepped forward to lead on the organisation of this event. As this is a high-profile event, security will be tight. Because of this element it will therefore require admission by ticket only this year, as we do at the annual reunion. This is not a device to exclude anyone but a necessary part of planning in today’s world and all Association members are welcome, but we request that any Non-Branch Affiliated Member who wishes to attend should request ticket(s) by going to the CONTACT page of this website and complete the fields giving full name and postal address together with the name of your wife or partner, if accompanied, and whether you intend to march or not. Branch Members may apply via their Branch Secretary. Requests for tickets should be made by 23 Feb 2022 with tickets posted out shortly after.


This is a one-off event, so costs are going to be substantial. Therefore, approaches are being made to Local Authorities as well as local companies for grants and donations to offset the cost. Donations are also being asked from Branches, and any individuals who wish to contribute.  Any cheques should be made payable to ‘The War Memorial Fund’ with St George’s entered on the back and sent for the attention of the Association Treasurer at the address below.

We look forward to your attendance. Maj. Barry Lane MBE TD, Chairman

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