Best Wishes for 2022

by | Dec 31, 2021 | Uncategorised

The President and Directors of The Royal Sussex Regimental Association Limited would like to wish all Branch and Non-Branch members of the Association, a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mid Sussex at Home

Mid Sussex at Home

Having moved to The Hassocks Hotel two years ago for their branch meetings, Mid Sussex branch celebrated with the mounting of a Royal Sussex plaque in the bar.  

Mid Sussex in Parliament

Mid Sussex in Parliament

During August last year Mid Sussex Branch paid a visit to our Houses of Parliament. The  day commenced with a meal at the Union Jack Club, and then onto Westminster on one of the hottest days of the summer. The tour was very informative with the added benefit of audio...

Mid Sussex – To The Tower

Mid Sussex – To The Tower

The Mid Sussex Branch were guests at the Tower of London on a glorious Sunday morning last year. The Branch marched in, led by their Standard, from Traitors Gate to the chapel for an 11 o'clock service. Chairman David Allaway gave the salute with tourist clapping as...